Drew Shefman
Drew Shefman has been professionally developing interactive experiences since 1996. He is a software craftsman, agile evangelist, mentor, and scrum master. He has served as technical lead or architect on projects that have included virtual simulation training for the cell phone industry, performance testing engines for the airline industry, mission-critical high-volume order managing for the grocery industry, and video player development for high demand live streaming events, as well as dozens of other interactive experiences. He has been a technical trainer for over a decade, working with national training firms and video companies. He is an adjunct professor at the University of Houston since 2008, presenter at numerous conferences, and even a ballroom dance instructor. Relative to this topic, his house flooded in 2015 with 28", again in 2016 with 13" and finally -5" with Hurricane Harvey. (Yes that is negative 5 inches. Attend the presentation to discover how!)